Identity thieves are always out to trick you to get your personal/financial information. You must remain diligent in protecting yourself. They try to trick you via email, phone calls, mail, and even in person. Do not share anything with them!
Members 1st of NJ FCU will NEVER solicit you for your personal/financial information. Here are some fraud prevention tips to keep your data safe:
- Sign up for alerts. Get notified instantly when your balances drop too low or withdrawals are made from your account. Alerts can also help with purchase decisions.
- Monitor your credit report. Access your free credit report via or other reputable sources. It’s better to discover fraudulent transactions sooner than later.
- Use complex passwords and change them regularly. Use symbols, number and upper and lower case letters. Change them every quarter. Don’t save passwords on a mobile device or laptop.
- Lock your smartphone. It’s important to keep your phone locked with a password only you know.