Private Student Loan Program

Student Loans

Federal loans may not be enough to cover the cost of a college education. The cuScholar Private Student Loan program available through Members 1st of NJ Credit Union could be the funding resource you need.

In-School Student Loans

Members 1st of NJ FCU understands it’s not easy to get through school without financial assistance. A private student loan from M1NJFCU can help pay for your educational expenses that weren’t covered by your financial aid package.

It’s easy and free to apply!

Student Loan Refinancing

Members 1st of NJ FCU can help you take control of your student loan debt. Refinancing your federal and private student loans can help reduce your monthly payments or even help pay off your loans faster.

We’ve partnered with LendKey to make repaying your student loan debt easier! Plus, enjoy these great benefits.

  • No application or origination fees.
  • Make one loan payment, instead of several
  • Choose the option that best fits your situation
  • Discount for making automatic (ACH) payments
  • Co-signer release after 12 months of on-time, interest and principal payments, when requested


*Private student loans should be used as supplemental funding after exhausting all other sources of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and federal student loans. Federal loans offer more attractive terms when compared to most other borrowing options, including private student loans. For more information on federal loans, visit

We’ve teamed up with LendKey to simplify the process of repaying your student loans! There are 20 scholarships worth $1,000 each up for grabs. Don’t miss out—the application deadline is May 31st.

Apply by clicking the button below!

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